Calculating Your Institution's FTE
When calculating your institution’s Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employees, you will want to include knowledge workers only. Knowledge workers are defined as those who use technology as part of their everyday work. Employees such as maintenance workers, groundskeepers, and others who do not use technology as part of their work should not be included in this calculation.
Note: Knowledge workers can be defined as employees that use technology in the normal course of their workday. The only exception being employees that do not utilize technology for the normal course of their routine.
Using the FTE Calculation
The FTE calculation is used to determine your institution’s license count for both the Microsoft EES and Adobe ETLA licensing agreements. Use the formula below to calculate your FTE.
Full Time Faculty + (Part Time Faculty ÷ 3) + Full Time Staff + (Part Time Staff ÷ 2)
Example of FTE Calculation
If an institution has 200 full-time faculty, 300 part-time faculty, 300 full-time staff, and 400 part-time staff, the FTE employee count is calculated as follows:
200 + (300 ÷ 3) + 300 + (400 ÷ 2) = 800 FTE employees
In this case, the product licenses for this institution would be based on 800 FTE employees.
If you're licensing M365, Microsoft no longer uses FTE to calculate how many licenses you will need. Please see our article on how to calculate your EQU to find out more.