Terms and Definitions
The following is a list of common terms and definitions that may be helpful to OETC members.
Average Daily Membership (ADM)
The average number of students in the school system on any given day. To find this number, the school district takes the total days in membership (attendance) for all students over the school year divided by the number of days school was in session.
EES (Microsoft)
Microsoft EES is an annuity licensing program, where you pay a certain amount every year for the right to use the license with Microsoft. If you stop paying, you have to stop using the licenses (buyout options exist).
Enterprise Term Licensing and Agreement (ETLA)/Value Incentive Plan (VIP) (Adobe)
OETC offers two ways to license Creative Cloud: the Adobe ETLA and the Adobe VIP. Both are Full Time Equivalent (FTE)-based subscription licenses that enable OETC members to purchase the latest Creative Cloud software while benefiting from the larger buying power of the consortium, gaining the convenience of a single FTE-based purchase, and achieving budget certainty for keeping up-to-date with Adobe products. For more information, please see our article Adobe for K-12: Should I license my Adobe with ETLA or VIP?
Fiscal Year (FY##)
The fiscal year at OETC runs from June through July. This year is used to measure business at OETC on a 12-month yearly track.
Full Time Equivalent (FTE)
When calculating your institution’s Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employees, you will want to include knowledge workers only. Knowledge workers are defined as those who use technology as part of their everyday work. Employees such as maintenance workers, groundskeepers, and others who do not use technology as part of their work should not be included in this calculation.
Note: Knowledge workers can be defined as employees that use technology in the normal course of their workday. The only exception being employees that do not utilize technology for the normal course of their routine.
Intent to Award
After the proposals from an RFP have been scored, OETC announces an intent to award with the respondents we intend to complete contracts with. This allows for non-awardees to protest. The intent to award must be posted for 7 days prior to signing a contract.
A company that produces products. Manufacturers might partner with a vendor or work directly with OETC.
An educational institution that pays dues to OETC.
Request for Proposal (RFP)
A legal document signaling our intent to draft a new contract and informs vendors that we are seeking competitive bids. Once the competitive bidding process has closed, OETC's trained legal staff reads and scores the bids and gives an "Intent to Award" to the lowest bidding vendors. These awards usually become RFP-backed contracts between OETC and vendors.
A company or organization that sells products and services through OETC's RFP-backed contracts.