Accessing Your Institution's Adobe VIP Licenses
Follow these steps to deploy your institution's Adobe VIP licenses.
Step 1: You will need to name an administrator for your Adobe VIP licenses. The administrator will be responsible for the management and deployment of your institution's VIP licenses.
Step 2: The administrator will receive an email from Adobe and Logisoft (OETC's Adobe partner) asking the administrator to accept the Terms and Conditions. The administrator will want to accept the Terms and Conditions as soon as possible because not accepting the Terms and Conditions will prevent the order from being processed.
Step 3: Once the terms and conditions have been accepted, Adobe will process the order. This takes 2-5 business days.
Step 4: When the order has been processed, Adobe will send an email to the administrator letting them know that the licenses are available for deployment.
Step 5: The administrator can then log in to the Adobe VIP admin console and begin deploying the licenses.
- If they are device licenses, the administrator will need to log in to the Adobe VIP admin console and deploy the licenses onto the end user's device.
- If they are named-user licenses, the administrator will need to log in to the Adobe VIP admin console and assign the license to the end user.
Learn More
To learn more about accessing your institution's VIP licenses, please read this Adobe Creative Cloud Getting Started Guide.