Purchase Delivery Time Frames
Below is our are the normal delivery times for items ordered through OETC. Back ordered items and items in constrained supply will have different shipping times than below.
- For Furniture and SMART Technology: Six (6) weeks.
- All other hardware and peripherals: One (1) - Two (2) weeks.
- Software and licensing except Microsoft and Adobe: One (1) week.
- Microsoft Select and Adobe licenses: Instantaneous key generation from the OETC online shop. Invoiced within two (2) days.
Microsoft EES Delivery
The delivery of your Microsoft EES licensing will depend on whether your institution is adding licensing to an existing EES, or enrolling in a new EES agreement.
- Adding to an existing enrollment: One (1) week.
- New EES enrollment licensing: Dependent on the start date of the EES agreement cycle. New EES is subject to Microsoft Operations Center processing. Please note that OETC works closely with Microsoft to expedite all requests.